Grade A Communications: The Positive Impact of VoIP Phone Systems for Schools

phone system for schools

It’s no secret that school administrators have a lot on their plates. Between supporting teachers and managing budgets, policies, and events, the last thing they need is a phone system that hinders instead of helps. You’re probably familiar with the type. One that: 


  • Is constantly plagued by outages or fuzzy audio 
  • Requires weekly – if not daily – maintenance to keep it running 
  • Doesn’t support texting, instant messaging, or necessary integrations

But what if we told you that there’s a phone system for schools able to improve your communications, reduce your stress, and save you money? No, it’s not a fever dream. It’s the power of VoIP.

Below, we’ll walk you through how VoIP phone systems for schools can help the educational sector save time, save money, and save their sanity.

VoIP Makes Communication Easier to Manage 

Imagine having all your voice calls, instant messaging, and video conferencing channels available in one place. VoIP phone systems for schools offer exactly that. By logging into one online platform, you can:

  • Send text announcements to students and parents 
  • Shoot an instant message to a group of teachers 
  • Host a video parent/teacher conference with parents 
  • Answer phone calls faster and more effectively – even if you’re away from your desk  
  • Keep staff’s personal numbers private by using a soft phone app instead of publicly sharing their personal information

All without switching devices or platforms. With advanced call routing and AI-powered auto-attendants, you can ensure that every call is directed correctly and answered promptly.

For calls made after hours, voicemail-to-email is helpful. It automatically sends transcriptions of each voicemail to a designated email inbox so you can find the information you need far faster than before.

The result? Improved communication with less stress.

VoIP Supports Distance Learning 

With traditional phone systems, extending communication beyond the four walls of your school or university can take time and effort. Sometimes, it is downright impossible. A VoIP phone system changes that.

Because it can be easily used from any internet-connected device, a VoIP phone system allows teachers and students to have interactive lectures, virtual classrooms, and collaborative discussions regardless of where they are.

It supports the basics of distance learning and opens a world of incredible educational possibilities.

Are you trying to help your students learn a foreign language? You can use VoIP to connect with native speakers in another school to practice.

Want to have an archeologist address your class, but they’re on assignment? They can use their mobile device to join a call and speak to your class anywhere!

The result? A more enriched – and flexible – learning experience for teachers and students alike.

VoIP’s Far Easier to Scale Than Traditional Systems 

Your phone system shouldn’t hold you back when you’re ready to grow. And yet, so many traditional phone systems do. They demand extensive hardware overhauls, new wiring for your building, and a gaggle of expensive technicians to add just a few lines – not to mention locations.

But VoIP scales effortlessly because it is entirely cloud based. With a VoIP phone system for schools, adding more teachers, administrators, or even entire campuses only takes a minute or two instead of a week or two.

If your school locations are consolidating, the system can downsize just as easily without the headache of major renovations.

The result? Scaling is more accessible and more affordable whenever you need it.

VoIP Offers the Advanced Integrations Your School Needs to Succeed  

Schools have specific communication needs that traditional phone systems struggle to meet. Intercom connectivity? Not an option. Emergency notification systems? Not an option either. However, VoIP lets you easily connect your communication system to your safety network. 

E911 Features: 

  1. BAUM’s Act Compliance: Ensures dispatchable location data for internet-based phone users, including a verified physical address and specific location details (e.g., "Floor 2, Room 203"). Notifications can also be sent within an organization. 
  2. Specific Dispatchable Location: Assigns emergency addresses by domain, site, or device level, providing detailed location information. 
  3. Address Detection and Verification: Devices register to an IP address linked to a physical location. Users are prompted to update their address when an IP change is detected. 
  4. e911 Dialed Call Notification:Alerts designated parties within an organization via automated call, email, or SIP message when a 911 call is made. 

Note: Users are responsible for providing accurate address information to ensure proper deployment of e911 services. Simplicity VoIP is not liable for noncompliance.


You can broadcast important announcements, call individual classrooms, or page specific staff members at the touch of a button. You can also send instant text notifications to parents and students in the event of closure or an emergency—all from one convenient location. 

It also has many other integrations that can help streamline your day-to-day operations in interesting ways.

The result? More operational efficiency and greater security.

And Last but Not Least, VoIP Saves You Money 

Say goodbye to expensive phone bills and costly infrastructure changes. Simplicity VoIP’s phone system for schools allows calls to be made over your existing internet connection, reducing your communication costs by 45 to 75 percent.

Are you worried about your capacity? Don't be. You should be fine if you meet the FCC’s requirements of 1Mbps per student. Because a single VoIP line only needs 0.5 Mbps of bandwidth to function well with other applications. So, if you have 10 VoIP lines, it’ll only take up 5 Mbps of your entire bandwidth requirement, a veritable drop in the bucket.

Plus, there’s no need to call in a technician whenever you must add new phone lines or expand your system to new campuses. VoIP allows you to use the same reliable system across multiple locations without busting your budget.

The result? You have more money to use for other things!

Keep School Communication Simple with Simplicity VoIP 

You must make over 1,500 decisions a day. Agonizing over what phone system to choose doesn't have to be one of them – not if you partner with Simplicity VoIP. Our phone system for schools is designed to keep you connected, productive, and supported no matter what. Interested in learning more? Reach out today, and we’ll be happy to help!