Simplicity Blogs and News

The Simplicity VoIP blog is our resource to you for VoIP and Telecom News, Events, and Literature

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10 Reasons to Choose Simplicity VoIP

Business phones and communication are an important part of keeping your company running, so choosing a provider to do that can be a difficult task. After reading this list, choosing Simplicity VoIP...

Communicate Your Holiday Hours

It’s that time of year when everything seems to fly by, and we are all feeling the pressures of the...

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Is the Cloud Secure?

Many people are skeptical that the cloud is secure due to lack of knowledge about the technology...

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Cybersecurity Statistics

Free Network Assessment

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On-Premise vs. Cloud-Based

The right phone solution is an essential component in the success of your business. There are two...


7 VoIP Statistics to Know

3 Immediate Ways to Save


Millennials and Technology

Comprising a quarter of the US population, Millennials equate to approximately 83.1 million people....