Simplicity Blogs and News

The Simplicity VoIP blog is our resource to you for VoIP and Telecom News, Events, and Literature


What is your Fax machine really costing you? 

If you are like most business owners, you are still hanging onto your old, clunky paper fax machine. Believe it or not, this is costing you real money, not to mention the inconvenience, impact on...

Ben Humphreys

26 Years and Counting...

This month, we sat down with Ben Humphreys, the President and CEO of Comtel Communications and...


Is VoIP Secure?

Data breaches are in the news every day. When large businesses like Equifax, Target, and Uber are...

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Join Us for #GivingTuesday

After the festivities of Thanksgiving, the hustle and bustle of Black Friday and Cyber-Monday’s...


How to Set a Safe Password

Hackers attack every 39 seconds and one in three Americans were hacked in the past year....